-People like to do business with people they know.
Rise and Shine!
Held every second month from September to June, these informal gatherings are a great way for members to meet other members or potential members. All are welcome to come for a great breakfast, a quick presentation, and our ever popular Speed Networking!

Speed Networking
Speed Networking, much like speed dating, is an excellent way to meet people - except instead of looking for a date, you walk away with fifteen new business contacts in less than an hour! The fun and fast-paced event is a great way for the go-and-get-em's to meet other early rising business owners and operators.
Got a helpful presentation you want to share with other members? Can you do it in only ten minutes? From effective website elements, to the benefits of hiring persons with disabilities, to how measure professional and personal well being with a five fingered approach; the quick presentations are tasty tidbits of useful information to jump-start your morning.
2 Sentence Introductions
Who are you? What are you about? Master your two second introductions prior to Speed Networking and avoid the dreaded stop sign!