*** We are doing our very best to provide updated information from our Businesses. Please reach out directly to the the business contact information provided in each listing ***
City Facilities and Services
City of St. Albert: Please go to: City of St. Albert for information on: COVID-19 Preparedness Facility Closures
St. Albert Public Library: While the library has closed its physical doors until further notice, they continue to reach out to a community that needs their library now more than ever. Library cards are free for St. Albert residents, and on March 17th they implemented a new process whereby residents can get library cards electronically during the library closure - they want to make sure that the community is able to access the wide range of e-Library resources while they are isolated, practicing social distancing, or or caring for children who are out of school. Please see their media release that outlines how their services can be accessed. CLICK HERE
Community and Family Services / Programs
Art Gallery of St. Albert - Temporarily closed due to COVID -19 Pandemic. Staff members are working remotely. Note: Purchases from the Rental and Sales Gallery are accessible by email, and curbside pickup is available. Virtual Art Consultations are also being offered. Staff members are not able to take phone calls at this time. Please email ahfgallery@artsandheritage.ca or office@artsandheritage.ca and someone will respond in a timely fashion. Check out the online programming for regular engaging posts to help you keep your creative juices flowing while you are at home. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ArtGalleryofSA/ Web: http://artgalleryofstalbert.ca/ CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Canadian Progress Club - Box 183, Station Main, St. Albert. Hours - Currently zero contact - everything is available through electronic interaction. The St. Albert Chapter of the Canadian Progress Club endeavors to enhance the lives of underprivileged and ailing individuals in our community with financial aid, event support and/or our time and resources. Website-https://cpcstalbert.ca/ FB-https://www.facebook.com/CanadianProgressClubStAlbert/ CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
DanceCo- Virtual Drop in Dance Classes. A chance to try something new. Get some exercise andhave some fun. All in the safety of your own home. Register online at www.danceco.net
Musée Heritage Museum - 5 St. Anne Street, (St. Albert Place). Temporarily closed due to COVID -19 Pandemic. Staff members are working remotely and are not able to take phone calls at this time. Please email museum@artsandheritage.ca or office@artsandheritage.ca and someone will respond in a timely fashion. Check out the online programming for regular engaging posts to keep you educated about St. Albert's history while you are at home! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ArtsAndHeritageStAlbert/ Web: http://museeheritage.ca
St. Albert Food Bank and Community Village 1) We are asking everyone if they have any symptoms of COVID-19 - fever, sore throat, cough, difficulty breathing- to please follow the AHS protocol and not come to the Food Bank as we can look at making alternative arrangements. 2) Only 2 people to come into the waiting room at a time. 3) If you need to speak with our Social Workers please contact them either by phone or email.Vivian: 780-459-0599 ext 3 or sacv@telus.net / Katie: 780-459-0599 ext 6 or sacv.rap@telus.net 4) Our Volunteer Coordinator/ Income Tax Program Coordinator, Crystal can be reached at 780-459-0599 ext 4 or safbcv@telus.net 5)Margaret - Utility Grant - 780-459-0599 ext 5 / Suzan - Executive Director - 780-780-459-0599 Ext. 1 or safb@telus.net 5) Our Cultural Kitchen Program is cancelled until further notice. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
St. Albert Further Education - Further Education Spring/Summer classes are suspended until further notice. Please continue to register so we know which classes should have priority when we restart this semester. Some classes will move online. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
St. Albert Seniors Association - Closed to public but staff are currently focusing attention on reaching out and helping our most isolated. This takes time and resources. A small but significant way to help is a small donation that can be done on our website and donations of $25.00 or more will receive a 2020 donation receipt. https://stalbertseniors.ca/about/donation/ If you are a senior in St. Albert in need of help email seniorservices@stalbertseniors.ca or call 780-459-0433 ext 0 and leave a detailed message with your needs. Our staff will get back to you as quickly as possible. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Stop Abuse in Families (SAIF) Society - 402, 1 Tache Street - Mon-Fri 10am-3pm By appointment only. Counselling sessions are being done over the phone, touch points sanitized daily. SAIF is a charitable organization with a mission to promote healthy respectful relationships through education, advocacy and support. We provide services to those who have experienced &/or witnessed abuse in their lives. Website- https://www.stopabuse.ca/ CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Strive 4 Work - #310, 7 St Anne Street - Strive 4 Work is an employment supports program for individuals with barriers to employment. We offer 8 weeks paid skills training and 10 weeks work placement, where you gain the skills and experience you need to be successful in your future jobs. Skills training runs Monday-Friday from 9:30am-3:30pm with an hour lunch break. Next session begins June 29, 2020 and we are converting to an online format in order to keep our participants home and healthy. All technology will be provided so that no one is left out due to lack of resources. Taking applications now for June 29 session! PH: 780-777-5834 Email: katelyng@employabilities.ab.ca Instagram: @Strive4Work Website: https://employabilities.ab.ca/programs-edmonton-and-greater-area-landing-page/strive-4-work/ CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Visionary Centre for the Performing Arts - Offering online private and group lessons available on most instruments call (780) 460-4430. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Welcome Wagon - Visits are currently cancelled until further notice. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION